Alive - Another Video of Instagram

I quite like photography and video app, that’s why I like to browse on App Store to see any interesting everyday. Today, I found Alive. My first impression is “Wow, another Instagram”, but after using a few minutes, I found it still has much more features which I would like to share with you. Get the Alive on iTunes here.
Launch the app and a new feeds with Featured, and My Feeds appear, usual like any social network app out there.
Perform some searches, and it works as expected.
However, I do not like the loading animation here, it is hard to see and I just thought the app was frozen.
View some body profile, found no interesting here. UI parts are somehow messy.
[![Comment section makeom/alive-another-video-instagram/alive_02_comment/)
Comment section makes me think about what did Instagram do?
Alive has separate Sharing screen, I prefer a context menu like a popup instead a whole new screen for just sharing.
Watch a video. Actually, video is not really focused here with too much white elements.
What about My Profiles? I see a really, really another Instagram here.
Settings section allows you to choose save high or low or orginal quality and auto-playing settings.
I decide to create a video for myself. And now the fun part, I must not use the phone in portrait mode.
Fine, landscape is allowed now.
Start recording. UI seems like an Xperia smartphone.
It also displays a nice tutorial about available gestures inside recording.
Awww, I can add a visual effect object here.
Choose music from pre-come, or from my own library which is good as well.
I decide to remove last VFX object and add another, it is quite easy but hard to create an awesome one.
Alive supports Text layer too, and vector shapes as well.
Using this slide-like UI, I can make our text moving on or fade in/out easily.
Video filters are also available to play with.
Publish my video. It’s showtime!