Android Custom Views: Draw your own content

In previous article, I showed you how to create basic custom view by extending standard Views. However, extending a standard Android view is not enough. In some cases, we must draw the custom view. In this article, we’ll make Android custom views that draws a chart using the Canvas class.[

This is a sketch for custom view:[![android_custom_view_om/content/images/2015/07/android_custom_view_sketch.jpg)

Create MyView class

In my project, create a class with name is MyView that extending Android View class. Add constructor method for MyView class and override onDraw method.

public class MyView extends View {
  public MyView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

  @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { 

First, I create a Paint object and initialize it.

private int mColumColor = 0xFFE64A19;
private Paint mColumPaint;
@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
 mColumPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
 mColumPaint.setShadowLayer(4, 2, 2, 0x80000000);

Get details view.

 float w = getWidth();
 float h = getHeight();
 float pl = getPaddingLeft();
 float pr = getPaddingRight();
 float pt = getPaddingTop();
 float pb = getPaddingBottom();
 float x0 = getPaddingLeft();
 float y0 = h - getPaddingBottom();

Find value for column_margin.

 private float mColumWeight = 5;
 private float mColumMargin = 5;
 private int mColumColor = 0xFFE64A19;
 private Paint mColumPaint;
 @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
  mColumPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
  mColumPaint.setShadowLayer(4, 2, 2, 0x80000000);
  float w = getWidth();
  float h = getHeight();
  float pl = getPaddingLeft();
  float pr = getPaddingRight();
  float pt = getPaddingTop();
  float pb = getPaddingBottom();
  float x0 = getPaddingLeft();
  float y0 = h - getPaddingBottom();
  float min_margin_colum = 5;
  float max_weight_colum = (w - pl - pr - min_margin_colum * (sColum - 1)) / sColum;
  if (mColumWeight > max_weight_colum) {
   mColumWeight = max_weight_colum;
   mColumMargin = min_margin_colum;
  } else {
   mColumMargin = (w - pl - pr - sColum * mColumWeight) / (sColum - 1);

Draw our chart on canvas.

for (int i = 0; i < sColum; i++) {
 float left = x0 + i * mColumWeight + i * mColumMargin;
 float right = x0 + i * mColumWeight + i * mColumMargin + mColumWeight;
 float top = y0 - colum_height_ratio[i] * (h - pt - pb);
 float bottom = y0;
 canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mColumPaint);

Complete source of MyView class.

public class MyView extends View {
 public MyView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
   super(context, attrs);
  //default sColum = 5; 
 private static int sColum = 5;
 float colum_height_ratio[] = {
  0.9 f,
  0.7 f,
  0.5 f,
  0.8 f,
  0.85 f
 private float mColumWeight = 5;
 private float mColumMargin = 5;
 private int mColumColor = 0xFFE64A19;
 private Paint mColumPaint;
 @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
  mColumPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
  mColumPaint.setShadowLayer(4, 2, 2, 0x80000000);
  float w = getWidth();
  float h = getHeight();
  float pl = getPaddingLeft();
  float pr = getPaddingRight();
  float pt = getPaddingTop();
  float pb = getPaddingBottom();
  float x0 = getPaddingLeft();
  float y0 = h - getPaddingBottom();
  float min_margin_colum = 5;
  float max_weight_colum = (w - pl - pr - min_margin_colum * (sColum - 1)) / sColum;
  if (mColumWeight > max_weight_colum) {
   mColumWeight = max_weight_colum;
   mColumMargin = min_margin_colum;
  } else {
   mColumMargin = (w - pl - pr - sColum * mColumWeight) / (sColum - 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < sColum; i++) {
   float left = x0 + i * mColumWeight + i * mColumMargin;
   float right = x0 + i * mColumWeight + i * mColumMargin + mColumWeight;
   float top = y0 - colum_height_ratio[i] * (h - pt - pb);
   float bottom = y0;
   canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mColumPaint);

Add MyView to layout.



Now, run project and see results.
